Ski Rentals Delivered to Your Park City
Hotel or Vacation Home

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Out of 5 stars

White-Glove Ski Concierge Service

“The best experience we have ever had.”

- Julie Shaffer


“Will not use another company.”

- B. Clemons


“This is seriously the BEST service Ever!!”

- Shelly Sheldahl


“Try this and it will change the way you aquire your ski equipment FOREVER.”


Holly McPherson

How it works

Adventure isn’t found in the rental shop

Bypass the least relaxing part of your ski trip--the dreaded rental shop visit.


Step 1

Reserve Your
Gear Online


Step 2

Equipment Fitting
Wherever You Are


Step 3

Enjoy Your Stress-Free
Ski Vacation

Reservations? Done on your phone in less than 5 minutes (no, really).

Waivers? Sent to each member of your travel party to be completed anytime before your first ski day.

Fitting? Expert technicians (masked & gloved) come to your hotel or cabin with enough sanitized gear to ensure the perfect fit. No-touch fitting is available.

Return lines? Skip ‘em. We pick everything up from your lodging and you can even leave them on the porch or in the garage of your rental property.


Yep, we deliver there

With an incredible 20-minute delivery range, your “out of town” lodging doesn’t exclude you from the best ski & snowboard delivery service in Utah.

Get professionally tuned, waxed and fitted boards & skis delivered right to your vacation rental door!

Not the “Bowling Alley” Experience

The wrong gear will kill your day before you even get to the lift so don’t entrust your skiing to someone who only asks your shoe size. Our technicians are expert skiers who SAFELY measure every foot to ensure the ideal fit for comfort and performance. Why? Because if you’re uncomfortable you’ll quit and miss out on your family adventure and the very reason God created snow.

Making First Chair Possible

The rental shop is just one more stop between you and the snow, and you know the drill. Everyone wants to be on the mountain at the same time and that means that 50 people are all walking into the shop at 8:45 AM. But not you. You’re still in bed. Your skis were delivered to you last night and suddenly sleep and First Chair are no longer mutually exclusive.


More time on the mountain. "Guaranskied".

Nobody ever became a better skier standing in a line. You’re just a few mouse clicks to boot clicks, all without the rental shop. That means…

  • No 45-minute online reservations and endless paperwork!
  • No trekking back to a crowded shop because your boots don’t fit!
  • No standing in return lines and burning valuable apres-ski time!

Looks like someone just became the ski trip hero and it was easier than dressing your kid for the ski day.


The Park City mountain culture is in our bones and we share a relentless passion for converting others to skiing. We want you to feel what we feel. We don't want you to merely have a trip, we want you to have an experience--an experience where the mountain changes you.

If we do our job right we will convert people to skiing and that is all the motivation needed.